Your Local Legal Aid!
Providing free legal services to low-income people in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, regardless of immigration status.
Serving the Inland Counties since 1978.
Every week, Inland Empire Latino Lawyers Association (IELLA) provides free legal assistance on civil (non-criminal) matters to hundreds of residents in the city of Riverside and 95 surrounding cities and towns in the Inland Counties.
When they have nowhere else to turn, families and individuals living in poverty, elders, and people with disabilities look to IELLA for help to secure the most basic necessities of life.

Our Practice Areas

Family Law
- Divorce, Legal Separation, and Annulment
- Paternity
- Child Custody Issues
- Child and Spousal Support

Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO)
Victims include women, men, children and pets. Domestic violence includes physical, sexual assault, emotional abuse, and financial manipulation.

- Improving the quality of life of people who were previously convicted and are now searching for new opportunities in education, housing and employment.
We protect and advocate for low-income people who need legal support, regardless of immigration status, identity and socioeconomic status. Our work keeps families and communities together, and has protected and saved lives.